Literature Africa Foundation - Educate, Inspire & Empower
Somo2Kazi Program is Swahili meaning transitioning from education to employment. Through the program, we connect high school students to role models and mentors who help them align their talents, skills, strengths and passions to their future careers. These role models are people drawn from the business sector, civil societies, academia and government with an aim of equipping high school students with entrepreneurial skills, life skills, work skills, money skills and other skills that they require to build self-reliant futures and be economically empowered post education.
In 2020, we developed the Somo2Kazi mobile application which is a digital careers library that is helping us to keep learners engaged; where they can explore careers, learn from Wikipedia, and get connected to role models and mentors for virtual mentorship. This evolution of the Somo2Kazi Program from a mobile platform flexible to move from one school to another into a digital platform was necessitated by COVID-19 pandemic which had our mentees cut-off from one-on-one mentorship due to schools closure in Kenya in The mobile application is available for download from google play store under the name Somo2Kazi. Career information is also available to scholars upon signing up on our Somo2Kazi portal on this website.