Literature Africa Foundation - Educate, Inspire & Empower

Our Programs

Our Education Programs: 

The book a child Campaign: 

This program is an on-going campaign that solicits books and other learning materials donations from members of the public to aid in the promotion of literacy and a reading culture among children and youths living in rural and urban informal settlements of Kenya. We donate books to schools and do library startups in communities where none exist.

Our first Book_A_Child Library established at Mzizima Primary School in Kilifi County on
October, 2018 and the second Library was established in October, 2021 at Aguthi Secondary School in Nyeri County. In addition, we run “The LAF Back to School Drive” through which we provide exercise books, stationery and sanitary pads for girls to underprivileged children every new school term. This ensures that children from informal settlements and marginalized areas where we have partnered with schools do not miss out on being in school because of lack of the above mentioned amenities.

The ILead Program: 
The broad goal of the ILead program is to promote a reading culture among children living in rural areas and urban informal settlements by sensitizing them on the importance of education in relation to poverty alleviation. This is a program targeting children aged between 6 years and 15 years who are in primary schools. It supplements academic learning by refocusing skills education for self-reliance and offers mentorship on life skills, education, talent & leadership.

The Somo2Kazi Program: 
Somo2Kazi Program is Swahili meaning transitioning from education to employment. Through the program, we connect high school students to role models and mentors who help them align their talents, skills, strengths and passions to their future careers. These role models are people drawn from the business sector, civil societies, academia and government with an aim of equipping high school students with entrepreneurial skills, life skills, work skills, money skills and other skills that they require to build self-reliant futures and be economically empowered post education.
In 2020, we developed the Somo2Kazi mobile application which is a digital careers library that is helping us to keep learners engaged; where they can explore careers, learn from Wikipedia, and get connected to role models and mentors for virtual mentorship. This evolution of the Somo2Kazi Program from a mobile platform flexible to move from one school to another into a digital platform was necessitated by COVID-19 pandemic which had our mentees cut-off from one-on-one mentorship due to schools closure in Kenya in The mobile application is available for download from google play store under the name Somo2Kazi. Career information is also available to scholars upon signing up on our Somo2Kazi portal on this website.

Our Community Development Programs: 

The Zero Secrets Project: 

Since the onset of COVID-19, Kenya has seen a drastic rise in the number of teenage pregnancies. The Zero Secrets Project is an initiative of the Literature Africa Foundation has three components: Menstrual Hygiene & Mentorship Outreach, Sanitary Pads Drive and Learning Materials Donation. It targets Young Girls between the ages of 10 and 19 years who are bearing the disproportionate burden of Covid-19. This initiative is impacting beneficiaries positively by promoting sexual reproductive and health rights education to young girls and women to help them lessen the burden that has been brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, providing them with learning material to facilitate continued learning as well as fostering self-awareness and equipping them with life skills that are necessary to get them through this uncertain period.

The My Body, My Health, My Life Project: 

This is a project that empowers teen mothers’ living in Kenya’s urban slums with skills to towards improving their sexual health & menstrual hygiene through sexual health & reproductive rights (SHRR) Education. Other components of this project include mentorship on self-awareness, decision making, social skills, emotional skills relationships, education & leadership. The beneficiaries also receive livelihood improvement workshop that includes equipping them with financial literacy skills and economically empowering them through training them on how to make eco-friendly bags, skills on how to start and run a business and to enable them to better care for their menstrual hygiene through training them on how to make safe, re-usable sanitary pads.

The Amani Mtaani Project: 

The Amani Mtaani project’s main goal is to empower women with understanding on the role of women in promoting communal peace, security and conflict resolution hence contributing positively towards communal development. The project empowers the participating women with the knowledge that “Peace Begins in the Home” to enable them to strengthen their families as building blocks of a healthy society.The project also encourages women’s engagement in peacebuilding processes and community development while equipping them with positive values that they can pass on to their children, families and community. The project also increase peace dialogues among women in the communities improving their knowledge and understanding of the dangers of conflicts and how they can be part of peacebuilding initiatives hence enlightening them on how to participate as ambassadors of peace.